Melody Nails & SPA works as Ladies hair styling salons, Nail studios, SPA treatment at the following address 15/1, King Fayssal Road in Fujairah. Phone number +971 9 2227712.

Payment methods (Card payment, Cash payment), Service Language (English, Tagalog)

Spa massage center near me

Those who want to go to the ladies salon Melody Nails & SPA located in Fujairah at the address 15/1, King Fayssal Road, are interested in the prices of massages and other services provided. You can find out all this in the following ways:

  1. on the official social media group;
  2. at the nearest SPA center;
  3. by phone number +971 9 2227712 ;
  4. on the official website Melody Nails & SPA.

Short information about the company:

  • Company name:
  • Rate: (of 5)
  • Ways to pay the bill:

To find out the list of services provided and to book a time for a visit to Melody Nails & SPA call us +971 9 2227712 . Our staff will answer all your questions and book spa treatments for you. You are always welcome in our cozy spa center nearby at 15/1, King Fayssal Road.

If you are looking for a Moroccan bath, men’s spa, nail spa, foot spa, full-service massage, couples massage, or hair spa, check out the recommended companies below.

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